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Programs of Ida UMC


United Methodist Women

Ida UMC has an active women’s group which meets on the first Tuesday of each month (September – May). They support Dundee Caring & Sharing, Salvation Army, The Methodist School in Haiti as well as many other local and global missions. Fellowship events include an annual Dinner Out and a Mystery Trip.


Women's Bible Study

Ladies of Ida United Methodist Church meet at a member's home on Thursday mornings. These meetings feature Bible-based studies and focus on scripture and prayer. The IUMC women are currently studying “Experiencing God” by Henry & Richard Blackaby. This is a great opportunity to grow closer to God and to grow in fellowship with other women.



Ida United Methodist Church has an active choir, which is always looking for new members. Their mixture of contemporary and traditional music fills our sanctuary with harmony. They assemble on Wednesday evenings for practice and fellowship.



Youth meet after school monthly.  Youth band performs during worship services.

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